New Episodes Weekly!
Jan. 3, 2023

Ep.53 What is "Unbound Horsemanship?" (Camille Carson and Timea Chemez of Driftwood Horse Rescue and Sanctuary)

Ep.53 What is


  • Goals and Resolutions for 2023
  • Motivation vs Discipline
  • Rule of 1/3's
  • Weird True Facts (WTF) Little known horse facts

When Camille Carson was a little girl and spending time with her horse Detaunt, there was no schedule, no show, and no agenda.  There wasn’t anyone telling them how they were supposed to do things and how they weren’t.  They learned how to listen to one another, how to trust one another, and how to build connection and willingness to explore one another's boundaries and capacities. With that, they rode and jumped bareback and bridleless, they galloped up mountainsides, swam in rivers, sat and ate blackberries together.  Doing it “right” or “wrong,” being on a schedule or agenda, none of this ever came into play. They were just doing it for the joy,  the trust, the love, and the connection that they had with each other in partnership. Because of this connection and that true partnership, they felt they were able to do anything together.  
Camille Carson started Driftwood Horse Rescue and Sanctuary because of her love of horses and to battle the slaughter pipeline for horses in the US.  She recently was joined by Timea Chemez as the Executive Director.  
They discuss the journey to running a horse rescue facility and all the daily challenges and blessings that have come out of it.  

Steve Mallett and Michelle Lewis meet the most interesting people, and discover the places and events that make Dripping Springs, Texas, a Hill Country oasis. Learn why every year, hundreds of people move to this small town just outside of Austin. Every episode features a local resident who's talent and past will make you want to know more about what draws so many unique people to this historical town. From ranchers to engineers, cowboys to entrepreneurs, bankers to bull riders. New episodes weekly.

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