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Oct. 18, 2022

Ep.42 Her Heart To Help (Chrystal Smith of Foster Village)

Ep.42 Her Heart To Help (Chrystal Smith of Foster Village)

As a licensed foster parent, adoptive parent, and survivor of child abuse, Chrystal Smith saw the gaps in the system and the needs that were not being met, both for caregivers and for children intersecting with the child welfare system. It also helped her see how the families and children with consistent and therapeutic networks of support were the ones who ultimately had the most success in growth and redemption, inspiring the idea for Foster Village.

Steve Mallett and Michelle Lewis meet the most interesting people, and discover the places and events that make Dripping Springs, Texas, a Hill Country oasis. Learn why every year, hundreds of people move to this small town just outside of Austin. Every episode features a local resident who’s talent and past will make you want to know more about what draws so many unique people to this historical town. From ranchers to engineers, cowboys to entrepreneurs, bankers to bull riders. New episodes weekly.

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