Monologue: Highway 290 Changes in Dripping Springs Frank Erwin Center is No More Rathgeber Natural Resource Park Narcan Available Everywhere Now Fentanyl Vaccine Guest: Dr. Bobby Dubois MD, PhD, was formerly the chief science...
Monologue: Big 12 UT Goes to Sugar Bowl! Steve's Predictions for 2023 Review A couple of Steve's Predictions for 2024 Burpees is a Person! and Fartleks! The "Adler" and Other Ridiculous News of the Day Marketing for Growth 20...
Monologue: New Found Celebrity Status GMO Foods at Your HEB The Ghosts of Driskill Hotel What Day Did You Start Feeling Older? Eastern VS. Western Medicine Guest: Dr. Michelle Wendt, L.Ac., DACM is the founder & owner of Indi...
Monologue: Always Get Multiple Bids When Ordering a Survey No Mow May Allergies Are On The Rise The Best and Worst Drinks Guest: Ali Miller, RD, LD, CDE is a Registered Dietitian with a naturopathic background and a contagiou...
Monologue: Real Estate Predictions for 2023 Agent Count Will Plummet in 2023 ChatGPT Twitter File Dump and Free Speech Social Media Usage and Manipulation Guest: Sunday, February 3rd, 2019 is a day that Tim Allen's family, f...
Richelle Criswell running coach, race director and owner of Happy Treading joins us to talk about how she has encouraged women to take up trail running and racing. Her trail race in Drippings Springs draws women runners from...
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