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Media Figures Episodes

Feb. 20, 2024

Ep.112 When Soulless Narcissism Grows Up-Tucker Max/Best Selling Author and Originator of "Fratire"

Monologue: Rippy's Sold Support Local Businesses Barton Springs Redo Elmo Wants to Know County Clerk Incompetence Why People are Not OK? Chicken Nuggets in Space Guest: Tucker Max has written four New York Times Best Selling ...
Feb. 6, 2024

Ep.110 Slicing Holes In Psychological Scar Tissue: JP SEARS-YouTuber, comedian, author, speaker, DS Local

Monologue: 30 Years Ago Today Stanley Cup Craziness Tesla Model WHEEE Contest Cancel Culture Young People Ditching Phones Guest: JP Sears is a YouTuber , comedian, author, speaker, and a curious student of life. His work take...
Dec. 26, 2023

Ep.104 Put Here For A Reason (Ty Myers-Country Music Legend in the Making)

Monologue: HOME Initiative Approved in Austin. Will Texas Secede? Bald Eagles on Lake Austin? Favorite Christmas Movies and Songs. Is "Die Hard" a Christmas Movie? Guest: Ty Myers is a young singer-songwriter based in Drippin...
Nov. 7, 2023

Ep.98 I Do My Own Stunts (Hollywood Stuntman Stephen Hart)

Monologue: Buh-Bye Taco Ranch! Garbo's Coming to DS Zilker Christmas Tree Lighting (Yes, Christmas Tree!) I-35 Expansion Uproots Many Small Businesses Surprise! FED Announces Possibly Ending Rate Hikes DS is a Film Friendly C...
Sept. 19, 2023

Ep.91 No Such Thing as New History, Only History That's Been Forgotten (James Fenelon-Author and Paratrooper Turned Historian)

Monologue: Red Arena Fall Reins Event 10/28 Home Prices Are Rising...Sort of... Patriotism in 2023 Mira Sol Development-Good for Dripping? Vonlane Luxury Bus Travel Guest: James Fenelon is the paratrooper-turned-author of Fou...
July 25, 2023

Ep.83 The Making of a Country Music Legend (Logan Papp, Nominated for the Texas Country Music Association Young Artist Award)

Monologue: London and Scotland Trip West Highland Way COTA Car Condo's Michelle Gets in Trouble...Again Guest: Logan Papp is a 15 year old local musician that specializes in playing Classic Country, Texas Country and Red Dirt...
June 20, 2023

Ep.78 Creatively Inspiring Others (Alan Cohen-Voice and On Camera Actor)

Monologue: Locking People In Their Homes Great British Baking Company Saving Town Lake Tipping in 2023 5 Star Reviews Everywhere Guest: Alan Cohen is voice and on camera actor with a commanding yet relatable quality. He blend...
June 6, 2023

Ep.76 Lights, Camera, Action (Christina and Nick Caster of Caster Studios)

Monologue: Run By The Creek 5K and 10K RE Agents Quitting in Record Numbers Film Studio Opening in San Marcos Electric Car Registration Tax Passes El Nino is Coming! No Auto Inspections in TX? Guest: Christina and Nick Caster...
May 30, 2023

Ep.75 A Voice in the Wilderness (Jenna Lee Babin-SmartHer News)

Monologue: The Best/Worst States to start a business Most expensive States to run a business Crazy News Stories-Truth or Fiction? How we fall prey to Fake News Michelle takes Steve for a ride! Guest: What is 'smart"news and w...
Nov. 15, 2022

Ep.46 Living in a Soundbite World (Leslie Rhode-20 plus year broadcast journalist and co-founder of ATX Good News)

Monologue : $26,133 Per Homeless Person Spent in Austin Battle of Gonzales 20 Best Cities for Families in the US Mike The Headless Chicken Guest: Leslie Rhode is an award winning television journalist with a career spanning ...
Nov. 8, 2022

Ep.45 Bringing Back The Dead (James Fenelon- Author and Historian)

Monologue : Wealthiest Individuals in Austin How to Trap an Armadillo Angelo Angelou Economic Summit Report Guest: James Fenelon is the paratrooper-turned-author of Four Hours of Fury , the untold story of Operation Varsity, ...
Sept. 20, 2022

Ep.38 Don't Squeeze The Baby On The Radio! (Bama Brown-Top radio personality in Austin with KVET Radio)

Bama Brown got into radio completely by accident! He moved to Odessa, Texas from Alabama when he was seventeen. That's where the "Bama" nickname came from. Bama was trained in oil and gas and roughnecked on rigs and did almo...
Aug. 9, 2022

Ep.32 He Marches to His Own Drumbeat (Scotty Bennett-Radio Personality on Koke FM Radio)

Scotty Bennett was born in Austin and attended The University of Texas. He worked at the world-famous Dallas Niteclub in Austin for 25 years and eventually got into doing voiceovers for Radio and Television. He ended up in r...
Aug. 2, 2022

Ep.31 Sometimes all it takes is a little Faith to win the Gold! (Faith Wylie, Deaf Olympian)

Faith Wylie never dreamed she would one day represent the United States in Soccer at the Deaf Olympics in Brazil in 2022. As one of the youngest players on the squad, she scored the winning goal in the team's victory over Pol...
July 12, 2022

Ep.28 (Explicit) Tigger On The Trigger (Brandon Cruz-Patriot and former Navy SEAL)

(Contains Explicit Language) Brandon Cruz signed up for the US NAVY three months after 9/11 to become a SEAL. He served from 2001 to 2011 and talks about the SEAL training and BUDS process. Brandon loves his family and talk...